Missions Statement

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always.” Matthew 28:19-20.
The mission of the Missions Ministry at Chinese Church of Metro-South Boston (CCMSB), in obedience to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, is to proclaim the Gospel in its fullness beyond the immediate sphere of activity of the local church, whether in our neighborhood, Sharon, the United States, or abroad.
In response to this charge, the aim of CCMSB’s Missions Committee is to help equip and mobilize the members of our church to participate to their fullest potential in the work of world evangelization: in sending our own people into cross-cultural ministry; in committing financial resources to the task; in nurturing a corporate life of persevering intercessory prayer; and in upholding our missionary partners in loving relationship, both while in the field and at home.


“所以你们要去,使万民作我的门徒,奉父、子、圣灵的名给他们施洗,教导他们遵守我所吩咐你们的一切;瞧,我一直和你在一起。”马太福音 28:19-20。
为了服从这项使命,CCMSB 宣教委员会的目标是帮助装备和动员我们教会的成员,以充分发挥他们的潜力,参与传播福音的工作:派遣同工参与跨文化的宣教;为该事工投入财政资源;培养持之以恒的代祷的团队;并保持与传教士伙伴的爱心纽带。

2025 Mission Conference

Taiwan Short Term Mission-Summer 2024

Link to more details

1/19-1/21, 2024


2022 Mission Conference

December 2-4, 2022